Hi there friends.
Did you see those weirdos out running this morning in their silly tights and even sillier shoes? I used to be one of you judging those crazy runners. Part of me was shocked that someone would choose to do that in the middle of winter, and part of me was envious that someone would choose to do that in the middle of winter. It actually looked fun and man I wish I could do that!
I have had numerous gym memberships over the years and my fitness levels have gone up and down with my motivation levels and family stuff and just life getting in the way of my own health. I had always enjoyed walking and one day I thought well while no one is watching maybe I will run but just to that tree. From that day I very slowly was able to run around the block. I started to see people in my neighbourhood and they would smile and wave as they passed me. I was starting to belong to a group. I still was not able to call myself a runner as I thought all runners were fast and skinny! After a few months of solo running I built up the courage to visit the Running Room in Waterloo and join a 10K clinic to start in January. When I told my friends at work they were surprised and aghast. “Are you sure you can do that? It’s going to be pretty cold!” This only made me more determined to do it.
Fast forward to today and running is what I do on a regular basis. Running is an easy way for me to keep fit and enjoy my neighbourhood. I have seen parts of my local community that I didn’t know existed prior to running. Our running routes are quite varied which makes it really enjoyable. When you run with friends there is always great conversation and often we exchange tips about new local restaurants or local shops to check out. Runners are really quite personable people. When you run with someone for 21k you can find out a lot of interesting stuff or solve that nagging problem. We are not all elite runners and we come in all shapes and sizes. Why not come out and join us?
Happy running,
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